"This is what a soul looks like, outside the human body.
Vital statistics
Sentient Yes
Worlds The Origin (homeworld)
Singing World
Mists Planet
Fire World
Planet of the Flowers
Many others
Animal-like or Plant-like Unknown
Births Live Births
Natural Predators Unknown
Earth Creature Analogy Centipedes (Name given by Jeb's rebel cell)


Soul Assimilation Status Unknown

Souls are a sentient species from The Origin.[1]


Souls are the alien species of other species, including humans. In order for them to take over a human, a surgery must be performed by another Soul that has invaded a human body. The majority of humans in The Host have been taken over by Souls. Few humans remain that have not been taken over. 


  1. This is due to they are a sentient creature who infect the human population and any other species out there in the universal